My almost 9 year old daughter has a message for you, ladies.
Be You 💗💗💗 I asked her what this means to you. She said she loves being myself because I am awesome!! All the girls, please do not forget how awesome you are no matter the society tells you and keep on loving yourself because you are all amazing in your own way ❤️❤️❤️
Dear ladies,
Please remember, you are once a girl who loved expressing yourself the way you are.
Where did your own love towards yourself go? If you lost one, look inside of you. There is one that belongs to you.
Love yourself more than you used to do.
この言葉がどうして彼女に大切か聞いたところ、自分でいる事が大好き、だって自分最高だもん❤️ 少女達よ、
自分が幼い時、必ず自分が大好きでイケるてるって思った時があるはず。 セルフラブどこにいっちゃったの?
今まで以上に自分に❤️を!これは自分の権利だよ。 誰から許可はいらないよ。