
Deep Within あなたの奥深くに存在する『本来のあなた』と深く繋がるスペース

Welcome to Deep Within Her Podcast このポッドキャストは人生の使命、目的を最大限にビジネスという形で表現して自分自身を導いているあなたのためを思って心からお届けしています。 Deep Within 、あなたの奥深くに存在する『本来のあなた』と深く繋がスペース そこにはあなたのエッセンス(自分の本質)、Inner Power (内なる精神力)、Inner Truth (内なる真実)Inner Peace(内なる平穏)、Inner wealth(内なる豊かさ)が存在しています。内側に成長すれば、するほど、あなたの根っこが広がるような感覚になり、あなたの内側に存在する愛と豊かさの器が広がり、それが外側に溢れ出していくと私は信じています。 内側の成長と広がりの道のりには多くの内なる葛藤、戦い、不安、恐怖と対面しますが、I know, You are more than who you think you are. 大丈夫 Trust your self without any evidence. この内側のInner Battleと向き合う事であなたの内側からピースな状態が広がり、ネクストバージョンのあなたに成長していきます。 Are you ready to go deep within and unleash your infinite potential、Welcome back home トピック Embodied Business:あなたの本質に調和するビジネス戦略 Human Design (ヒューマンデザイン) Gene Keys 遺伝子易経 マインドセット(潜在意識、エゴ、インナーチャイルド) Self-Mastery意識を高めて自分の可能性、自分を理解する 自己理解 セルフリーダーシップ エンパワメント 豊かさとお金に対する考え方 女性生と男性生エネルギー Thank you so much for listening to this episode. 2016年11月から 2023年10月まで ***Her Confidence Her Way というタイトルで配信していました。
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Deep Within あなたの奥深くに存在する『本来のあなた』と深く繋がるスペース










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Dec 20, 2017
In this episode, I have shared 10 lessons that I have learned as a working mom. I have also talked about a Christmas tradition that I love. 
10 Lessons: 
#1: There is no such a thing as a “perfect” mom: 完璧なママは必要ない
o   So much expectation on myself and I try to do everything “so perfect” but in reality, I mess up all the time, I fight with my kids, I get frustrated and sometimes being really hard on them. 
Lesson: It is ok to let kids to be creative. We don’t have to make everything perfect. Kids are not looking for perfection! They just love you as you being  a caring mom. 
#2: Understand what your kids want not yours: 子供の気持ちを大切に
o   As a mom, we all want the best for our kids. I want my kids to have the experience, best learning environment and best everything! 
Lesson: It is good to give opportunity but you cannot push kids to do it.  As a working mom, everything is a “go- go- go” so  I sometimes forget to ask how my daughter is enjoying. In stead, I get mad at my kids if they are not active and engaging in the class. Take time and touch base with your kids. 
#3: It is ok not to cook every meal: ご飯は毎回手作りじゃなくても良い
o   I had an expectation that I need to cook every meal. (I don’t know how I got this idea…) My role is now to feed my kids and it does not matter how the meal is prepped
Lesson: We gotta do what we have to do to and buying food is acceptable but to make sure you are feeding a healthy meal.
 #4: It is ok to have fun: Most of the time the problem is YOU!! ママだから、忙しいから楽しめないは言い訳!
o   We have to make a priority to have our own time. Self care is not selfish. 
o   Understand the season of life: If your kid is a baby, maybe this is not the season of your life but the time will come again
o   Allow others to help you and give yourself a time
o   The way how you have fun is changing – no night club, dancing but I love going to the kids parties and meeting with new people
o   Making new mommie friends 
#5: Give the task to your husband: 旦那に任せる
o   Sometimes, my husband will also say, why do I have to help on this. Ladies, listen, no he is NOT helping me. It is called He is taking care of his own kids.  I told him NO you are not helping me! You are taking care of your own children. 
Lesson: So many times, we as a mom want to take a control and you want to do it on your way but no you need to allow your husband to let him figure out and do the task on his own way
 #6: Say Sorry to your own kids: 子供に謝ること
o   There are times that I am being too strict or okori sugi – I am still working on this one. 
Lesson:   Remember, each child has their own feeling, and they get hurt. It is a great opportunity to say sorry and explain why you are mad and how we as mom and kid can work together and make the situation better. 
#7: Pick Your Battle: 時には目をつぶり子供との言い争いを避けること
Kids have their own feeling! You cannot make everything your way! 
o   Cloths are not matching? Who cares! Kids are not going to a fashion show!
o   As long as kids are not going to be in a danger, let them do it and have them learn their own! 
#8: Don’t forget about YOU: ママであること以上に自分でいることを大切に
As a working mom, we tend to forget about yourself because we are so busy with work and kids
o   Mommy can take a break and enjoy about being you. 
o   Dishes can wait, laundry can sit in a dryer for one day
#9: It is ok to be a working mom: ワーキングマザーになることは自分勝手じゃないし悪いことでもない
o   I used to feel bad about leaving my kids at day care and going to work. But I needed to get out of this mommy’s guilt. 
o   Kids are fine at day care. They are learning! 
o   Often times, moms judge each other about being a stay at home mom or working mom. It is a choice. There are moms out there, they may not have the option but to stay home due to day care arrangement situation. 
o   We all have to understand that we have a different expectation and no need to compare each other. 
#10: Being a mom is not over!  ママだからってできないことは無い!
 I hear people are saying “once you become a mom, you have to 
o   Give up on your career: NO! You come back from where you have left. You can also take advantage of the time and think about what you are really good at and get the job you love. 
o   Can’t wear a cute clothes: You can still rock your clothes. It is your choice. I cannot wear high heels but I see moms wearing heels! Yes, your body shape may change but it is part of being a mom and embrace it. 
o   Can’t hang out with friends: Make new mom friends. I had to change my dynamic of my friends but now I have best friends
o   Don’t have the time to do anything to yourself – Guess what! I am a mom of two and I started my own podcast and my side business after having two kids. I didn’t do anything before Pre kids time. You can get really motivated! This is just an excuse! 
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Dec 12, 2017
In this episode, I have shared my very honest opinion about how I see the gender inequality in Japan and how Japanese women are struggling to stay in a workforce. 
ワーキングマザーはとても大変!でも日本でワーキンマザーはもっと大変。私たち日本人女性は社会から決めつけられた男女の役割、理想の女性であるべきと言うプレッシャーなど、日本を出て他の国で生活をしていても常に気にしていたり、壁となって本当の自分を出し切ることができない。 私たちの責任はまずは見て見ぬ振りをしたり、これが当たり前と考えることでなく、現実と向き合う事、そして当たり前と言う考えをなくすこと。その壁を乗り超えることによって新しいソルーションが生まれてくるのだと思います。
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Dec 6, 2017
Terumi Shimazu is an actor who is originally from Osaka Japan.
She relocated to the USAin 2006after brief acting in television,film and commercials in Japan. 
Three months later, her very first audition in Los Angeles brought  her in a GLAAD award nominated monologue theater show ‘Sex,Relationships and Sometimes…Love’ as a first performer. 
Her credits include NAACP awards nominated ‘Diary of a Catholic School Dropout’ and numerous supporting roles in films.
In 2012, she landed one of leading roles in classic horror film series ‘Puppet Master X:Axis Rising’ as the Japanese villain.
In recent years, she found her natural comedic side and appeared in several comedy projects include awards winning short film ’Ruprecht’ rupurect where she played a quirky tele-operator/psychotherapist.
Currently Terumi is Represented by Media Artists Group(Commercial Agent)and Lang Talent(Manager).
その後、BULGARI、 Valentinoなどのブランドショップ勤務、フォトスタジオでのスタイリスト、フリーランスでの花のスタイリスト&ガーデニング業を経て、モデル業を再開し、仕事を通して芝居にふれる機会に恵まれる。アメリカでの初の演劇コーチでもあるエリック モリス氏の著書「No Acting Please」との出会いがきっかけとなり、海外のドラマメソッドに深い興味をもち、2006年に渡米。その3ヶ月後に、ロスアンジェルスでの初オーディションに合格、オープニングパフォーマーとしてモノローグ ショーへの舞台出演の機会を得る。その後いくつかの舞台経験を経て、インディ映画の世界へ活動の場を移行する。
昨年、ハリウッドの老舗トップエイジェンシーの一つメディア アーティスト グループとコマーシャルリプリゼント契約を結ぶ。現在、映画、テレビ、コマーシャル、ミュージックビデオ、広告写真撮影など広範囲の領域に携わっている。
今夏、映画「Mrs. Tomio -富美子夫人-」にて、ゴースト役富美子を好演、近々、Netflixなどにて配信予定。
Let’s connect!
Previous Works
Ruprecht' Comedy Short Film:
Puppet Master X: Axis Rising' Feature Film:
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Nov 29, 2017
Today’s topic is about how to accept your greatness. Whenever I receive positive feedback, felt uncomfortable. During my performance review, my manager pointed out that I need to learn to accept your recognition and believe that you did a great job. We, Japanese are especially not good with accepting our own greatness and this is highly related with our virtue, 謙遜 & 謙譲 
I challenge you to say “Thank you” or “Thank you, it was my pleasure working on this project and I look forward to the next opportunity”
とか ありがとうございます。これからもこんなっ私ですがよろしくお願いいたします。 などポジティブに終わってみてはどうでしょう?
Let’s learn what it is and how you can accept your greatness and build your self confidence! 
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Nov 23, 2017
In this episode, we have talked about what is like to be a #working mom #balancing work & life, Jayne’s experience of living in Japan and how she is balancing her culture as well as how to live the best life.  インタビューの中で
 Let’s connect
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Nov 16, 2017
Welcome to the very special episode. This episode will mark a first anniversary of Her Confidence Her Way. To celebrate this special episode,  I asked the previous guests to share their 海外生活の失敗談. These are real 失敗談 and what you will learn is we all start from somewhere with some embarrassing experiences or we make mistakes to learn or build skills. 
For more details about the previous guests, go to
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Nov 8, 2017
In this episode, I have share some success stories of my coaching clients and how they are progressing. The main topic for this episode is about Girl Power vs. 女子力. I was on the train in Japan, and this advertisement got my attention. It was a shocking experience when I find out about what the advertisement was for. 
This experience really got me thinking and wanted to discuss more about what true 女子力 should be. 
この女子力の定義も自分にフォーカスする女子のinner powerにしてみましょう。私の勝手な女子力の定義です。
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Emi wants a birthday gift for Her Confidence Her Way podcast!! 
November 16th is this podcast’s birthday and I would love it if you can join the birthday party! 
Here the types of gift that I am looking for. 
Gift #1: 
I would really love it if you could write a review in itune and give this podcast a 5 star review.
Direction: Go to iTunes - type Her Confidence Her Way - Click on Ratings and Reviews then click on Write a review
Gift #2: If you are a blogger, I would love it if you could mention about my podcast and post a link:
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Gift #3:
if you could please share your favorite episode of HCHW and send it to someone who you think will benefit or share it on your social media page
Please let me know that you gave Her Confidence Her Way podcast  a birthday gift via email or a Facebook Messenger 
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Nov 2, 2017
Nozomi leads a team of experts in developing global leaders. Her team helps organizations develop Co-created Culture which she believes is the foundation for individuals and organizations to fulfill their purpose in this world.  Her diverse international background — having lived in Asia, Europe and North America — gives her a wealth of experience and knowledge as a strategic partner to leaders. Born and raised in Japan, she values integrity, professionalism, and respect, all of which are core tenets of her deeply ingrained heritage.
For more than 15 years, Nozomi garnered expertise as a corporate marketer, working for top companies such as Delta Air Lines, Johnson & Johnson, BBDO, and working with industry-leading clients in the automotive, consumer package goods, fashion, finance, entertainment, IT, lifestyle, and airline sectors. Nozomi currently lives in the Greater Atlanta Area and frequently travels to Tokyo to serve her clients. She enjoys giving back to the community by serving on boards such as Japan-America Society of Georgia, National Association of Asian American Professionals. She is also passionate in empowering women to find their own voice and help them become leaders in their life, work and society.
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? Click here (…) 
Oct 25, 2017

In this episode, I have talked about the difference between Cross Cultural vs. Intercultural and how Japanese and American cultural value are playing a big role. I have shared my very own not so great experiences that I had to go through because of these cultural difference. I don’t want you to make the same mistakes so please take a lesson!

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Oct 18, 2017
In this episode, I have talked about my aha moment while I was visiting Japan and how I have changed. I have been interviewing over 40 Japanese career/business women who are living outside of Japan and I have been asking a question “what is one Japanese cultural value that you appreciate, and one value that we need to adjust to fit the country that you live in? “
For those who are able to adopt and adjust cultural value have built up their intercultural competence. I myself not only realized that I have this skill but also using the skill while I was in Japan…. the two different kinds of glasses that I wear. 
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Oct 11, 2017

In this episode, I have shared my mission, history & direction of this podcast. I have also shared my great experience on the airplane and why "thank you" is so important especially us for Japanese women. 

Sep 4, 2017
Yumiko Ishibashi is a seasoned Real Estate professional who specializes in listing and
selling Residential Homes, International Real Estate, Military Relocation, Investment property,
Standard Sales, Short Sales and Bank Owned Homes in San Diego, Orange and Riverside
County. Since the beginning of her career, her motto has been "Client's satisfaction is my #1
priority" as reflected by many of her referrals and returning clients.
Since 2007, she has been involved in many transactions. Providing high quality services to her
clients throughout the years, she has acquired two professional designations and three
certifications. In her early years she received "Rookie of the Year" award, later advanced to
achieve "Top Sales Person of Month" and Century21 "2013 Quality Service Producer".
Yumiko is keen in the utilization of new programs, applications and technology in the
industry. With the growing trend of accessible software, she maximizes her matrix of business
applications for social medias. She also enjoys incorporating English and Japanese into her
profession, which is supplemented by her understanding of a variety of cultural backgrounds in
her expansive business network.
She is a member of some organization such as NAR (National Association of REALTOR®), CAR
(California Association of REALTOR®), NSDCAR (North San Diego County Association of
REALTOR®), SRCAR (Southwest Riverside County Association of REALTOR®) and AREAA (Asian
Real Estate Association of America).
Outside of work she spends quality time with her husband, daughter, son and a family dog. Her
interests include golf, wine, travel, animals, volunteering, technology and investments. In
memory of her mother in law, she contributes a portion of each of her real estate commissions
to support the Susan G. Komen Inland Empire. Currently she enjoys being a dedicated, full time
Real Estate Agent as her children have now graduated from school.
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? Click here (…) 
Aug 29, 2017
 Jessica Nguyen is the host of the Project Voice which is a Podcast series dedicatesto increasing visibility on narratives from Asian America and spearheaded by the voices of Asian American women.  As the host, Jessica hopes that this series will act as a digital space where members of her community can go to for guidance and resources.  Jessica is a lifelong digital content creator who works with all mediums, constantly thinking about what the next project will be.
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? Click here (…)
Aug 21, 2017
Miki Sturges is a mother to her three boys, wife, and a mom-entrepreneur.  She is the founder of Mamapreneurs Club which provides a space for mom-entrepreneurs to be encouraged, inspired, empowered and make connections, also provides resources for those who are pursuing work-at-home business or taking their business online and to the next level.  She enjoys online marketing because of its flexibility and reach of the global market.   She's involved in local women's group, semi-professional choir, her church and her boys' school while balancing being a mom, wife and a work-at-home entrepreneur.  Her ultimate wish is to empower and encourage mom-entrepreneurs to get out of their 'pit' and reach for their higher calling and lead a lifestyle they desire.  
Miki shares her very personal story of being emotionally and physically abused by her ex-husband and how she came to a point where she said "This is it!" and made a decision to take a step out of the scary situation she was in.  She kept years of abuse a secret since she was brought up to keep her troubles inside and not to disgrace her family.  She also felt ashamed that she was stuck in such a terrible relationship. She admits that it took many years to finally being able to start sharing her story.  Though she is still scared, she decided to share her story in hopes to reach out and empower more women who might be in similar situations. 
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? Click here (…) 
Aug 1, 2017
Katheryn is a certified Health Coach, a writer who contributing to The Huffington Post, Mindbodygreen, Elite Daily, Elephant Journal, and Thrive Global. She is also a founder of Girl on Bliss.
She is currently living in Japan and she helps women to be able to feel comfortable in their body, confident in their communication, clear on what they value, and capable of being healthy and enjoying the pleasures of life. 
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? Click here (…)
Jul 24, 2017
Kiyoko Ando is the award-winning florist behind Cherry Blossoms Floral Design in Carlsbad, CA.  She moved to the US from Japan in 1997 to be a dancer, appearing in many stage productions, movies, and theme parks.  When an injury kept Kiyoko from dancing, she helped a friend in her floral business, inspiring a love for flowers.  Taking courses in various styles of florals, floral identification and history, and Ikebana, gave rise to the development of Kiyoko’s personal style, influenced by her Japanese upbringing and education.  Kiyoko launched her own business in 2009, focusing on wedding and special event florals, and has now worked with over 300 couples to design what fits them best.
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Jul 18, 2017
Sheena Yap Chan is a blogger, podcaster, self confidence consultant, author and speaker whose sole purpose, drive and passion is to help women live a better life through entrepreneurship.  
She currently inspires women everyday through her podcast called The Tao of Self Confidence where she interviews various women about their inner journey to self confidence.
Sheena also helps women overcome their negative cultural experience so they have the confidence to live life on their terms.
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? Click here (…) 
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Jul 10, 2017
In this episode, I have shared some frustrations with my current living condition. 
Alexia! Do this and Do that! …. Sorry, I don’t; understand you!!! ……
Have you experienced the same? Let me know! 
The main topic for this episode is introducing 6 words/response that will diminish your self-confidence. 
Are you using one or more of these words? If so, catch yourself and be intentional about it when you are talking. 
The video version is also available from Her Confidence Her Way TV (Youtube Channel or Facebook page). 
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? Click here (…) 
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Jul 4, 2017
If you want to communicate effectively, you need to have a clear purpose. The more specific and targeted your messages are, the more specific type of people and opportunities come to you. Today's guest Rika Villasenor helps Japanese professionals and entrepreneurs have clear communication to achieve their specific goals. She owns a corporation RK Communications Network, which offers two types of services. One is assertive communication training for Japanese individuals and corporations both online and offline. The other is content marketing to help Japanese businesses expand into U.S. market.
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? Click here (…) 
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Jun 29, 2017
Kanna Burch is a dancer, teaching artist, Kid's Dance Adventure Founder/Director, Certified Zumba Instructor and Rocksteady dance ministers member.  She has been dancing and teaching professionally over 15 years in Japan and the U.S.
She was born in 1977 and raised in Yokohama, Japan and she has been dancing since the age of five. When she was seven, she was greatly influenced by one of her favorite ballet /tap teachers who happened to also be a proud cast member of the musical “Annie”, she started dreaming of becoming a pro dancer and educator.  She has trained in hip hop, ballet, jazz, tap, theater and more because her goal has been always to be a diverse dancer.  
After graduating from Tamagawa University, College of Arts with Bachelor of Arts degree in 2000, She has taught for all ages and all skill levels in Japan. 
Since she was relocated to San Diego as a Navy wife in 2005, God has been blessing her career and she could continue performing and teaching in San Diego. 
She has taught one of the largest dance schools in SD, Culture Shock Dance center, performed in music videos and South bay music Awards in LA. 
She was inspired by local dance teaching Artists . She admired how American dance teachers shared their love through performing arts with children.   It became her life changing moment for her goal as a dance teacher.  She is currently teaching over 15 classes per week through out in San Diego CA.  She is also a Founder of mobile dance school "Kid's Dance Adventure" and she provides quality dance programs to the local schools.   She is privileged to a part of dance/performing arts community in San Diego. 
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? Click here (…) 
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Jun 20, 2017
In this episode, I have talked about 3 important signs it is time for you to leave your job and why leaving the current job will give you more opportunities. It took me 9 positions to finally realize what I really want to do and the way how I found is by leaving the previous job position for a better opportunity.
Find out if you can spot one of the signs to leave the current job.
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Jun 14, 2017
浅野浩治は、英語・中国語を含む外国語のナレーション・吹替え音声を提供するボイス・エージェント「Just Global Media」のディレクター。オーストラリアのラジオ局にてDJとして7年間活動した後、世界の様々な分野で活躍する地球人へのインタビュー音声を配信するインターネットラジオ「Just Global」を立ち上げる。今までに、ベストセラー作家の山崎拓巳氏や、日本のポッドキャスト界の先駆者である早川洋平氏を含む、多彩なゲストに迎えている。「音」に関わる活動はそれだけに留まらず、日本を含む世界でCDをリリースするロックバンド「The Wellingtons」のギタリストとしても活動中。2017年に5枚目のアルバムをリリースし、海外ツアーを予定。
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Jun 7, 2017
浅野浩治は、英語・中国語を含む外国語のナレーション・吹替え音声を提供するボイス・エージェント「Just Global Media」のディレクター。オーストラリアのラジオ局にてDJとして7年間活動した後、世界の様々な分野で活躍する地球人へのインタビュー音声を配信するインターネットラジオ「Just Global」を立ち上げる。今までに、ベストセラー作家の山崎拓巳氏や、日本のポッドキャスト界の先駆者である早川洋平氏を含む、多彩なゲストに迎えている。「音」に関わる活動はそれだけに留まらず、日本を含む世界でCDをリリースするロックバンド「The Wellingtons」のギタリストとしても活動中。2017年に5枚目のアルバムをリリースし、海外ツアーを予定。
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May 29, 2017
Reiko is a founder of World People USA where she supports Japanese small business owners and entrepreneurs from evaluating the marketing needs to establishing a business.  
Reiko moved to United States after graduating from a university in Japan. She earned her Master Degree in Education from Saint Martin’s University. Reiko worked as an interpreter with APEC and she also earned MBA from Thunderbird School of Global Management. 
After completing her degree, Reiko worked with a telecommunication company (currently known as SoftBank) for 4 years and she decided to follow her passion to help next Japanese professionals who are wanting to start their own business in US. In 2004, Reiko has established World People USA and working as a business consultant. 
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Her Confidence Her Way Community: 
May 23, 2017
Who is Helen? 
On a mission to help 2020 people createcommunication habits for success and happiness inglobal business by 2020.
Originally from England, Helen has worked in Japanfor 25 years. As communications managerat McKinsey & Company, Tokyo, she trainedconsultants and clients in communication skills especially presentation and meeting facilitation.
In 2013, Helen established her own business and now provides in-person and onlinecoaching and workshops through Sasuga Communications K. K. to help peoplecommunicate with more clarity and confidence in global business. She has deliveredpresentations and workshops throughout Japan, as well as in Australia, China, India,Indonesia, the Philippines, Poland, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the UnitedStates.
In April 2016, Helen published 英語の仕事術 (Eigo no Shigoto-jutsu) to sharepractical communication techniques, activities, and anecdotes from her career. She ispassionate about helping people to overcome the mottainai of wasted talent anduntapped joy in global business due to limiting beliefs and limited awareness ofeasy-to-apply communication skills.
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? Visit my website
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