
Deep Within あなたの奥深くに存在する『本来のあなた』と深く繋がるスペース

Welcome to Deep Within Podcast このポッドキャストは魂の目的を最大限にビジネスという形で表現して自分自身を導いているあなたのためを思って心からお届けしています。 Deep Within 、あなたの奥深くに存在する『本来のあなた』と深く繋がスペース そこにはあなたのエッセンス(自分の本質)、Inner Power (内なる精神力)、Inner Truth (内なる真実)Inner Peace(内なる平穏)、Inner wealth(内なる豊かさ)が存在しています。内側に成長すれば、するほど、あなたの根っこが広がるような感覚になり、あなたの内側に存在する愛と豊かさの器が広がり、それが外側に溢れ出していく と私は信じています。 内側の成長と広がりの道のりには多くの内なる葛藤、戦い、不安、恐怖と対面しますが、I know, You are more than who you think you are. 大丈夫 Trust your self without any evidence. この内側のInner Battleと向き合う事であなたの内側からピースな状態が広がり、ネクストバージョンのあなたに成長していきます。 Are you ready to go deep within and unleash your infinite potential、Welcome back home トピック Embodied Business:あなたの魂から導くビジネス Human Design (ヒューマンデザイン) Gene Keys 遺伝子易経 マインドセット(潜在意識、エゴ、インナーチャイルド) Self-Mastery意識を高めて自分の可能性、自分を理解する セルフリーダーシップ エンパワメント 豊かさとお金に対する考え方 女性生と男性生エネルギー スピリチュアルリーダー エンボディメントワーク Thank you so much for listening to this episode. 2016年11月から 2023年10月まで ***Her Confidence Her Way というタイトルで配信していました。
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Deep Within あなたの奥深くに存在する『本来のあなた』と深く繋がるスペース









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Now displaying: 2017
May 16, 2017
Growing up in Japan, Nikki always wanted to go somewhere far, somewhere her parents or teachers couldn’t tell her what to do and not to do. Nikki went to Korea with Korean Blind Volleyball team. where she first tasted of using English as a common language to communicate with someone who didn’t speak Japanese. Nikki came to the US for the first time as a short-term exchange student when she was in college. 
Nikki then come to the US again through a year-long leadership development program for people with disabilities, sponsored by a large Japanese firm. Nikki was one of the interns chosen from all over Japan to learn about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and services available for the disabled in the U.S. pertaining to her own disability, which is blindness.  She traveled to New Orleans, LA, San Francisco, CA, and San Diego, CA, and worked as an intern at blind services agencies in the community. Nikki received her BA from SDSU and got married soon after graduation. In fact, Nikki met her husband on the day of her graduation!
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? Visit my website from here.
May 1, 2017
Today’s episode is a special one. I was interviewed by Sheena Yap Chan, a host of The Tao of Self-Confidence. 
Favorite Self Confidence Quote
Be proud of who you are and not too ashamed of how others see you.
Definition of Self Confidence
Accepting who you are as a person which include the area that you’re not good at and to focus on you gifted talent so that you can be authentic to yourself and love yourself.
Do not worry about what the others are doing or saying
Her Life Before the Discovery of Self Confidence
Emiko used to play the compare game and was worried of what others thought of her.
The “AHA” Moment
When Emiko stepped out of Japan and moved to America, she realized that it was okay to be different which helped her claim her identity back to be her true authentic self.
Her Life After the Discovery of Self Confidence
Emiko worries less and has become more of herself.  She is more assertive in situations and she is stepping up.
The One Self Confidence Tip For the Listener
Don’t be sorry about who you are.
Reusing the audio file from the Tao of Self-Confidence was authorized by Sheena Yap Chan. 
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? 日本語の紹介文 ゲストのメディアリンクはこちらをClick here (…) 
Apr 25, 2017
Masami Light is a Lifestyle Promoter, Anti-Aging Advisor and blogger. She is also an intuitive advisor and she has been inspiring many Hollywood stars, celebrities, artists and influencers. Msami has helped over 100 millionares as a translator and she was recognized as a voice of success. Masami loves spending times with her family and she really enjoys her life in Hollywood. 
Today's guest is Ms. Masami Light. She shared how she helped over 100 Hollywood stars! Masami taught us how important it is to be comfortable of yourself. She also talked about how she overcomes barriers by seeing things in a positive ways. To learn more about Masami Light​, visit my website Make sure to subscribe to my newsletter while you are visiting my website, 
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? 日本語の紹介文 ゲストのメディアリンクはこちらをClick here (…) 
Apr 18, 2017
Akane Roddy is a fitness coach who is originally from Okinawa, Japan. She has  been teaching fitness classes such as Turbokick, Piyo, Boot camp, power pump at local gym. Akane works as a personal trainer, and an online fitness coach who is helping others to get healthier.  Akane’s  passion is always at health and fitness world.    
In this Episode, 
Akane shared some very touching stories about her career transitions, how she is using her gifted talent to be successful as a fitness coach, and her definition of her Confidence.
With Her Confidence Her Way podcast, we are giving a very actionable advice to all the listeners and I encourage you to take some actions!
Akane is also giving a free 7 days virtual fitness coaching just for the Her Confidence Her Way listeners. To get the details visit
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? 日本語の紹介文 ゲストのメディアリンクはこちらをClick here (…) 
Apr 11, 2017
Welcome to new season of my podcast, Her Confidence Her Way. In this episode, I am sharing 
- Why did I change my podcast direction? 
- What is self-confidence? 
- My journey of this podcast
-What to expect for this podcast
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? 日本語の紹介文 ゲストのメディアリンクはこちらをClick here (…)
Apr 2, 2017
Megumi Haeussler is an Authentic Life and Business Coach who lives in Germany. She is  helping Japanese women who want to become an entrepreneur and start their small business while they are living overseas. Megumi went to England for a study abroad in her 20s. After coming back to Japan, she had worked with a financial firm.  Megumi also met her German husband while she was in Japan. She is a mother of two who can speak Japanese, German and English. Megumi moved to Germany with zero knowledge of German. After working with a Japanese company, she became an entrepreneur as a business coach.
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? 日本語の紹介文 ゲストのメディアリンクはこちらをClick here (…)
Mar 28, 2017

Chiaki Lytle is a life coach and reiki teacher. She is from Aomori, Japan and met her husband there in 2001. She moved to New Jersey after getting her green card through her marriage in 2008. She currently lives in North Carolina. What is unique about her coaching and healing style is using astrology, numerology, and oracle and tarot cards. They help her and her clients understand who they really are, the reason why they repeat having a same problem over and over, and find out how to shine themselves. Chiaki started working at a securities corporation right after graduating from High school, and she changed her job several time until finding the job she really loves. When she found her dream job, she was 31 years old. The job at CLAIR/ International affairs office in a local government gave her a chance to meet wonderful people and experiences, and her husband. Chiaki When you are doing anything you really love, you will meet wonderful people, too:)

Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? 日本語の紹介文 ゲストのメディアリンクはこちらをClick here (…) 

Mar 21, 2017

Kaori Fukuyama is an emerging visual artist in San Diego, California, who creates abstract oil paintings and has a studio practice in the Barrio Arts District.  Her artwork has been displayed at multiple galleries and museums in California and has become a part of private and corporate collections in the U.S. and overseas.  Recently, Kaori’s paintings have joined the Healing Arts Collection at the UCSD Jacobs Medical Center in La Jolla, CA.  Her professional life involves designing for a local Landscape Architecture firm.  


Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? 日本語の紹介文 ゲストのメディアリンクはこちらをClick here (…)
Mar 14, 2017
Mari Fenn is a Universal Mind Coach who lives in New Zealand for over 20 years. She is a mom of 4 and an entrepreneur with so many different professional backgrounds such as a tour guide, International Flight attendant, owner of a cafe, and a founder of an Au Pair agent. Mari is helping Japanese people based on the concept called the law of attraction 宇宙の8大法則. She coaches her clients one on one or group coaching via internet. Mari also hold career seminars in Auckland, New Zealand. 
Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? 日本語の紹介文 ゲストのメディアリンクはこちらをClick here (…)
Mar 7, 2017

Yoko Tajima was born and raised in Miyagi, Japan. After graduating from High School, she had studied in England for 4 years.  Yoko came back from England and she had worked in Japan. In 2003, Yoko got married and she has also moved to Los Angeles, California due to her husband’s job. This is the begging of her entrepreneurial  journey .  Yoko wears a different hats. She is a wife, a mom of two kids, instructor and a business consultant for Japanese Business owners. With all the responsibilities Yoko has, she is striving for a quality work and life style. Yoko understands the pain point that many business owners and entrepreneurs have in the area of their work/life and she shares and teaches her life lesson including her success and mistakes to her Business client. 

Yoko’s passion is to send off more Japanese people to the world and let them shine to live with their own purpose. She also develop Japanese Business owners’ skills and knowledges to be successful in Japan. 


Want to learn more about today’s guest, special offer and  where you can connect with her? 日本語の紹介文 ゲストのメディアリンクはこちらをClick here (…)


Feb 26, 2017
For more details about where to get connected with today’s guest, visit my website from here.

海外で仕事がしたい!英語を活かして活躍したい!海外に住みながら自分の好きなことをキャリアに繋げたい。てでも自信がない。 そんな女性をサポートする毎月無料のニュースレター登録  毎月自分の自信に繋がるお役立ちツ-ルを無料でプレゼント  

グローバルを視野に自信を持って、自分らしくワーク、ライフを築き上げたい女性のためのグループです。 無料Facebook グループJoin

Want to learn more about today’s Global woman and her advice? Check out the special offer and 日本語の紹介文 やインタビューのまとめを読みたい方はこちらをClick here 

Feb 26, 2017
This Episode is a solo show answering all the questions that I have received from members of my private Facebook group. I have covered from "why I cameo US, why I started my podcast show, How I overcame from fear, How I manage my time, How I improved my English, how to adopt and adjust Japanese cultural value to be successful in US. This is a Q&A two part series. 
Here is a Part one.
For more details about where to get connected with today’s guest, visit my website from here.

海外で仕事がしたい!英語を活かして活躍したい!海外に住みながら自分の好きなことをキャリアに繋げたい。てでも自信がない。 そんな女性をサポートする毎月無料のニュースレター登録  毎月自分の自信に繋がるお役立ちツ-ルを無料でプレゼント  

グローバルを視野に自信を持って、自分らしくワーク、ライフを築き上げたい女性のためのグループです。 無料Facebook グループJoin

Want to learn more about today’s Global woman and her advice? Check out the special offer and 日本語の紹介文 やインタビューのまとめを読みたい方はこちらをClick here 

Feb 18, 2017
Today’s Featured Guest: Ms. Yoshimi Anzai
Yoshimi Anzai is a J-1 visa consultant who was born and raised in Matsudoshi, Chiba.
She first came to US when she was 20 years old through an university exchange program for 6 months. She decided to study abroad immediately after the exchange program experience. After graduating from the University in Japan, she had worked and saved up her money for 3 years for the cost of study abroad. Yoshimi finally went to Melbourne, Australia to study Tourism and Hospitality Management from 1998 to 2001. After finishing her program, she had worked for the study abroad agency in Japan and started handling with J-1 visa internship program. Since then, she has been in a business with J-1 visa for 14 years.    In 2008, she had gotten transferred from the Head Quarter in Japan to Los Angeles head office to work as a Vice President and General manager. After 8 years of struggling management job in the States, she ended 20 years of working for someone else. In October 2016, she has started her own business, specialized in J-1 visa processing and became an entrepreneur in the States!
J-1ビザのアメリカインターンシッププログラム、アメリカ在住 日本人女性、起業、人脈の大切さ
For more details about where to get connected with today’s guest, visit my website from here.

海外で活躍するグローバルウ-マンになりたい!でも自信がない。 そんな日本人女性をサポートする毎月無料のニュースレター登録  毎月グロ-バルに活躍するためのお役立ちツ-ルを無料でプレゼント  

海外で働きたい、働いているグローバルウ-マンの集まる無料Facebook グループ

Audible 1ヶ月無料体験


Feb 10, 2017
Today’s Featured Guest: Ms. Aiko Hemingway

Aiko Hemingway has been in the United States for 16 years. She teaches English pronunciation to people who speak English as a second language, based on her personal experience of not being able to speak English at all when arriving in the States. Aiko has graduated from UCLA in linguistics. She is specializing in phonetics and phonology. Currently, she lives in Hawaii. She is learning ukulele and she will start hula dance soon.
For more details about where to get connected with today’s guest, visit my website from here.
Are you part of Her Confidence Her Way community member?  Amazing women are supporting each other to gain more confidence so that they can do what we really love to do without worrying about someone else's opinion ! Join from here. 
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Feb 6, 2017

Today’s Featured Global Woman: Ms. Aki Mellet

Aki is a founder of Cosmopolitan mind coach and she currently lives in Paris, France. She is coaching Japanese women on mindset and power of action taking. When Aki was working in Japan, she did enjoy what she was doing; however, she had started feeling the unhealthy work/life style from working overtime and weekends. Once she realized that she needs to take in charge of her life, and she decided to go to England to study Psychology.  This experience was her turning point!  After visiting to France, she knew this is where she want to re-start and re-establish her life. After becoming a mom of two, she also decided to become an entrepreneur and start her coaching business. She had helped over 800 women around the globe and she is continuously helping women to have the life she loves. 

Want to learn more about today’s Global woman and her advice? 日本語の紹介文 やインタビューのまとめを読みたい方はこちらをClick here (…) 


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Audible 1ヶ月無料体験

Jan 26, 2017

011:Say Yes even if you aren’t 100% confident with Sumie Yakamawa

Today’s Featured Global Woman: Ms. Sumie Yamakawa

Sumie was born and raised in a small town in Aichi, Japan. Sumie came to Canada when she was 17 years old as an exchange student and she fell in love with this country!  After she graduated from a college, she has started working in a wine industry. She worked at a small winery at her first career and after 2 years of working with this winery, she got an opportunity to work with a mid-sized family owned winery where her real career experience begun. She was in charge of all the Asian tourist groups(i.e. Getting contract to bring groups to the winery, creating unique program, booking groups etc) After few years, she realized that there is a limitation to her career  if she worked for a family owned business and the only skill she had was that she speaks Japanese. That’s when she decided to take sommelier program. During the sommelier course, she met her future colleague who helped her to move on to the biggest and most internationally known winery in Canada. She was still taking sommelier course when this great opportunity came and she decided to take it. After she working for 6 years with various positions, she  finally got  promoted to an Estate Manager at the winery.

海外で活躍するグローバルウ-マンになりたい!でも自信がない。 そんな日本人女性をサポートする毎月無料のニュースレター登録  毎月グロ-バルに活躍するためのお役立ちツ-ルを無料でプレゼント  


海外で働きたい、働いているグローバルウ-マンの集まる無料Facebook グループ


Want to learn more about today’s Global woman and her advice? Check out the special offer and 日本語の紹介文 やインタビューのまとめを読みたい方はこちらをClick here 

Jan 21, 2017

Emi talked about why using our strengths is so important. If you are focusing on your weakness, you can’t be excellent and you won’t feel satisfied. Why do you waste your time? 

Let’s use your gifted talent and do what you love to do! You can turn your talent into your profitable business! 

In the Q&A session, Emi talked about what it means to have a work life balance. Based on the book, Lean in, she talked about the idea of partnership and why we, women need to just be ok with “done” than being perfect. 

want to learn more?   Click here. 


If you have not signed up for a free monthly newsletter which will help you to build your self confidence and to build a global mindset so that she can shine with her gifted talent and be the best version of herself as a global woman.


プライベートフェイスブックグループアクセス ->

Jan 14, 2017

Today’s Featured Global Woman: Ms. Manami Nakayama 

Manami Nakayama currently serves as the Executive Director for the San Diego Japanese Community Center where she is responsible for overseeing the administration of all the programs and services and the creation and management of projects which promote community engagement and collaborative efforts between other Japanese organizations.

She was born in Japan and came to the US when she was 10 months old and grew up in San Jose as a first generation Japanese-American. Fluent in Japanese and English, Manami has more than 15 years of community service experience in the Japanese communities of both San Jose and San Diego. 

She currently serves on the San Diego-Yokohama Sister City Society Board of Directors as the Community Engagement Director, and serving as a committee member for the Community Engagement Committee of the Mingei Museum, Madoka Entertainment, and San Diego Nikkei Network. She also volunteers in various local community events where she is a planning committee member of the Asian Cultural Festival, San Diego Night Market, and the San Diego Ramen Festival.

Want to learn more about today’s Global woman and her advice? 日本語の紹介文 やインタビューのまとめを読みたい方はこちらをClick here 


Jan 6, 2017

Today’s Featured Global Woman: Ms. Noriko Fujimaru Kalember   

Noriko Kalember is a founder of True North Life Coaching.  When Noriko was 19 years old, she decided to visit Australia for 2 weeks and it has been 14 years since then. She has lived in Perth and Brisbane. She has been happily married to her husband for 7 years and she has a beautiful daughter. Not only Noriko is a mother, she is also a successful career woman. (high hive to working mom friend!)  She has been working as a Human Resources information System business consultant and she’s reached to her six figure income!   Noriko also wanted to start her own business and she is in her coaching business for 2 years now.

Want to learn more about today’s Global woman and her advice? 日本語の紹介文 やインタビューのまとめを読みたい方はこちらをClick here 

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